as teenager, I would go
dancing at all kind of
different places and would listen
to the
bands. To this days I
don't know why I was staring at the
drummers wondering how
they would
move their
legs and harms, in opposite directions.
One day I was listening to a band, and noticed that the drummer had his own style
of playing.
I couldn't understand it but was impressed. All
night and for more than 6 months I wanted to
contact him and ask but
was too shy.
At last one day, I did and called him.
Continue next column>>>>>>

In 1962 was held an annual event called "La
Reine du Logis." This event gave not only families, but also all musicians, bands, artist, comics, and comedians, an Award for their
performances all around the French Riviera (Cotes D'Azur)
That year my band The Noctambules received the "Cote D'Azur"
first price.
Incredible but true, I was playing that night with the band, although having being
injured 5 days prior in a motorcycle accident (photo below).

Left to right (Patrice, Carmel, Gino, Alan)
Portal, Spatazza, Italiano, Renaglia
Our First 1962 Recording, Click to Listen to it!

1963: After a year playing with my band I had a typical teenager's idea
(to look like
a star). One Saturday morning I got a picture from me and my Asba Drums,
which was small at the time but which was used years later as a Jazz Drum Set.

1964 was a year of surprises. I began to get
contract overseas, which one planned in Beirut. But as you
know the Lebanon war began, and that was adios to the trip.
Instead in July and August I got an offer to go to play in the Mediterranean
Island, which is (Corsica).
Next Column>>>>>>>>

Alan (Conventional Look)

The Band in Action 1964

Between October 64 and July 65, I went to Paris to work there in few
Jazz Club. I met there two great musicians Michel Rodriguez,
who was playing with a very known French band the "Charlot",
and Frank who was trying to get in the world music scene at the very
known "Golf Drouot" which was a place where young artist could
demonstrate their talent. Michel and I did some gig together until June
1965, In July 65 I went back to Calvi (Corsica) with a new band.

Michel & Alan 1965 The "Seine"

Alan, Robert, Franky & Michel 1965
From 1966 to 1968: These three years were the years, which brought me into
the music business as a professional drummer. I played many gigs
with different bands. One day in December 1967, a music producer (J.Borghetto,
came to me
and said he liked the way I played
drums. He needed a drummer for a band whose the leader was
living in Switzerland.

Franky, Robert & Michel posing
I couldn't believe what was happening to me because going as a real PRO on stage
it's the dream of every teenagers in the world. He gave
me an audition with a professional band at the Casino of
Juan les Pins, a city well known for it's summer Jazz Festival. I was
shaking like a tree in the wind but the audition went great, and my
contract was signed to go to Switzerland on February 28th 1968.

His name was Robert Gustin, father of
Gerard Gustin who was playing the
keyboard with Sacha
Distel (French star). This man gave me all he had to make me a
drummer. When I was seek he came to my house to teach me
how to read music. He instilled in me
his love of music, which was his
Unfortunately, he died shortly after from
lung cancer. (He was a heavy smoker).
I will never
forget this man who made me what I' am
today. Like I said
happen for a reason".

The Noctambules didn't have a regimented time for rehearsal. The picture
below show the guitar player and myself in a field with a mini guitar amp,
which was very good at that time and was plugged into a house in ruin
but still connected to the mains. You can imagine how the people were! No TV, and no warning from
anybody qualified to tell that such plug can harm or kill humans.

Carmel (Guitar) Alan
(Drum's) in
the Field
Click on it to listen "Come on everybody"

A bigger view if my very serious face telling that I'm rocking like crazy! isn't?

Rocking Blues Drummer?

1964 continue: The Calypso, was owned by two very
special people. A husband and wife (Nini & Michel Giuliani) who treated the band like a part of
their own family. We were housed in a bungalow in the Club

Robert, Guitar, Gerard Bass and Alan

Picture from the side

The Beach
and back of it, the castle

1965: Again for the second year I played at the Calypso, with Michel
and Frank , who were two very good musicians. Again we were housed in modern bungalows at the Club Med which was located
in a Pine forest and close to the ocean,
"What a vacation!"
The past year in Paris changed my look as you can see in the picture
below, but not my will to do and the better with every passing day.

Alan, Michel Rodriguez, Frank,(new
Frank was living in Nimes, and went to Paris to show his talent as keyboarder.
At the "Golf Drouot" where I met him.
Franky, Michel & Robert 1965

Back in Cannes, in October 1965 I was at the Cannes Casino for the
Halloween party.
With two other girls we decided to be funny and enjoying this great
night, which remain in my mind with this great picture.

Alan, Monica and Daniele at the
Old Cannes Casino

That night I was like in a
dream because having played in Corsica and having done thing that I
never made in my life, I had the feeling that it was the beginning of a
new life in the music business although, if I knew that to succeed I
will have to work harder and maybe one day my dream will become reality.
It happen in 1967 as I described on the left of this paragraph.
o you want to know
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