1980 /1982
Locarno &

1980/81  EUROPEAN 

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   Locarno 1980

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   Maggia River

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  Me Today

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   & Me in 1980 

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Music Fair 1982

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  Music Fair

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MFB Demo

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   MFB Drum's

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  I did the MFB Drum's Demo every year at the Franfurt Music Fair.
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Music Queen presented in Switzerland by an artist who   painted eroticism as a symbol of music life. At that time I didn't know that he was  20 years  ahead of the today show's, because eroticism is part of every clip and music video today.

Alan (Drum) Zurich 1980

Alan Drumming 
Marco Ruggeri, Mike Ferraro, Jackson
Alan, Gil, Jackson

Front Stage (1980)

Powerage Frankfurt Concert 1980

Opening for The Crown (German Band)

The bad side of life.
After more than one year on tour, Powerage couldn't continue to go on the road because Gil Voirol the guitar player had to move to Zurich to go back to work in the family business. Powerage tried to find an another guitarist's, but music is like relationships: 
In this case after many audition's the band members decided to go their way, not finding the musician who could play their style of music. Today they still friends, but in living in different places.

Gil Voirol is married and live in Basel
Jackson Magnena, live in Zurich
Marco Ruggeri, is married & live in Locarno
Mike Ferraro, is married & live in Locarno
Alan Renaglia, live in Miami and formed is band (Midnight Blue, which play all over South Florida with professional musicians.


Gil Voirol (Guitar) & Alan
Gil Voirol
Jackson Magnena & Marco Ruggeri (KB)
Powerage Front Stage 1980

Gil, Alan, Mike in Action

The music of the Powerage, was a replica of the famous AC/DC. 
Gil Voirol at that time was 18th Years old and played the  guitar with the talent of Angus Young (Guitarist of AC/DC). Not only the band grown in a very short time, but also went in the road all over Europe.

Jackson Magnena, who was the singer, sang like Bon Scott, and had an energy on stage that was unique.

Marco Ruggero, who played the Keyboard had
integrated the sound of the Hammond organ, which he played like John Lord (Deep Purple Band).

Mike Ferraro, played the Bass Guitar. He was the quitter musician in the band but he harmonized and played with perfection of a  real PRO.

Alan Renaglia (Drummer), who came from a professional environment (see my Bio),
enjoyed to play with this young musician, who were so talented that he didn't have to bring his music experience to them.




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